Climate change : the inner adventure
Par Jan Chozen & Hogen Bays

This workshop will guide each person in the exploration of their deepest truth.
Through meditation and inquiry, we will look below our socially constructed reality to see the wholeness at the heart of everything. Recognizing our true foundation gives us the best ground for leading an active, engaged life and bringing benefit to the world.
As a culture and as individuals we are worried. Climate change, political upheaval, pollution, ethnic conflict, and health crises all weigh upon our minds. We worry that we are doing something wrong, that if we were more skillful, more ethical, more wise, more heart centered – the world, our society and we would be saner, safer and healthier.
Our anxiety stems from our separation. We have this belief that there are two things; ‘nature’ and us humans who are damaging it. Perhaps, it stems from our almost unconscious hope in Utopia, a frozen belief of a world without disease, destruction and death. Or our assumption that we are powerful, in control and if we just did things right, we would be free from suffering.
We are the functioning of nature itself. We are mammals, who act like other mammals. Storks build nests and we build cell phones. Just because we make cell phones, in our minds this makes us superior and special.
Somehow, we have the deeply held idea that we are a separate species with great brains that are beyond the natural world. Because of this we think we are the controllers of the world who wield power over such things as carbon dioxide, governments and gluten. This confusion about our relationship to nature and to ourselves has led us into great confusion and doubt. It has led to us believing we have overwhelming and hopeless problems. This is a partial truth - the whole truth is very affirming.
There is so much fear and distress in people's hearts that it blocks their ability to respond creatively and effectively. We all have important things to do. The Universe needs each unique person to be themselves and to engage with whatever they meet.
Teachers' hope is that by guiding people to their true foundation, they will be able to rest in the innate lovingkindness of the Universe. Each moment we receive the gift of our life. Each moment we and the world move freely through each other. We are nothing but Nature acting on Nature. From our personal perspective the future may look grim, but from our personal experience everything is just as it is, moment by moment. We can choose to fill those moments with lovingkindness for what is or fear for what might be coming.
Teaching will be given in a way that is warm, supporting and encouraging so people feel uplifted and refreshed, ready to leap in to their vital activity.
This workshop will be held in English and will not be translated into French.
It will take place at the small "Beguinage pluriel", it is the place of residence of a small community co-founded by Fabienne Bauwens.
Their meditation room will welcome us for the practices.
The accommodations will be on site or in nearby houses in a shared room.
There is the possibility of single room accommodation on request (and for an additional fee).
Please check with us for availability before making the deposit.
It is also possible to camp (please also check with us for availability on the camping site before making the deposit).
As far as your financial participation is concerned, we propose, in agreement with the teachers and the community, to work in the spirit of the gift or "conscious participation".
The deposit to be paid online to validate your booking is 100 euros. It will not be refunded in case of cancellation and covers fixed costs (accommodation, catering, administrative costs).
The balance will be paid on site or by online donation after the workshop, according to procedures that will be explained at the beginning of the workshop.
Les inscriptions à cet évènement sont fermées.
Petit Béguinage Pluriel31, chemin des roches 1370 Dongelberg